Biz Metadata Management
Biz Metadata Management
DataStreams CEO Lee Young-Sang recently appointed vice president of sales Kim Tae-Hong and head of technology research Chun Seung-Tae as in-house directors. He also appointed Hana Card chairman Kim Joon-Ho as an outside director on the 29th of April at the 21st regular shareholders' meeting held at the headquarters in Seocho, Seoul.
Mr Lee and Lee Seok-Jin, managing director at DataStreams, were both re-elected as in-house directors. Jeong In-Cheol, the former presidential secretary for planning and management, was re-elected as an auditor. Lee Kun-Ho, head of the management division, is currently serving as an in-house director.
A total of nine agendas were on the table at the meeting. These were as follows: financial statements, partial changes in the articles of association, appointment of directors, outside directors, auditors, share purchase options, changes in executives' severance pay, director remuneration limits, and audit remuneration limits.
Mr Lee stated, "We achieved 23.1 billion won in sales last year, up 14% year-on-year," adding, "The proportion of solutions increased 34% year-on-year to reach 1 billion won in operating profit. This year, we will strive to strengthen our R&D capabilities such as upgrading existing products and launching new products."
Mr Lee emphasized, "We are actively targeting the global market by securing multiple partners in the U.S., appointing new heads of U.S. corporations, steadily expanding our U.S. business operations, undergoing JV contracts in China, and pushing for local JVs upon our visit to Kazakhstan."
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