Customer Success Stories

KCISA : Korea Cultural Information Service

Based on Dublin Core, which refers to the International Standard for Metadata (ISO 15836), we have built a meta system to efficiently collect and link complex data between departments.


  • Establishment of Metadata Standards and Rules Management System for Multilateral Cultural Information
    • Dublin Core-based Metadata Standard Management
    • International Standard Metadata Quality Management
    • Metadata Operations Management


  • Establishment of Metadata Standard Management and Operations Management System
  • Define data collection items
  • Defining Metadata Classification System Object Names
  • Metadata Quality Management


  • Building a Metadata Standard Management System Based on Dublin Core
    • Implementation of a function that allows registered institution personnel of multi-ministerial cultural information linkage institutions to inquire/register/edit/modify/update linked metadata standards based on international standards
    • Define three hierarchical divisions with common properties, object properties, and type properties
    • Systematic management support by establishing a data classification system in 8 divisions and 21 sub-categories by object/type
  • Quality control of cultural data
    • Conduct quality diagnosis within five main categories: data value, structure, standard, linkage, and management system
    • Mapping with Dublin Core Standards and Comparative Analysis with ISO 11179 Meta Standards
    • Ensure compatibility between registered standards, consistency of hierarchical relationships, and interoperability required to build mapping tables
  • Metadata Operations Management
    • Establish a management system to easily understand the current status of linked metadata operations and to enable the presentation of management information
    • Clean storage data and manage Metadata Repository (MDR) storage