Biz Metadata Management
Biz Metadata Management
Track metadata, source data, and even data flows.
Governance-driven information portal services/data locations, classifications, descriptions, relationships, and usage.
Provides Insight on how to find data and analyze it meaningfully.
Governance platform supporting in-version patches, 24x7 patches, and batch testing services.
Personal information is managed to identify data creators, ownership, and usage.
Users' personal information can be located using Single View and Search & Discovery.
User-centric UI/UX makes searching for metadata easy.
Through filtering and search functionalities, users can easily query the company's data catalog based on specific conditions.
Data is classified and managed based on its characteristics from business, technical,
and operational perspectives, enhancing the usability of the data catalog.
It can also be leveraged in the management, oversight, and measurement of data governance processes.
Map technical terms to business terms that align with their characteristics, focusing on business terminology.
Based on this mapping, business and IT users collaborate to increase the usability of data,
fostering effective collaboration between the two groups.
A robust security framework that controls access to systems, business subjects, tables, and domains.
With a role-based security framework, there are various management features to control user access,
ensuring a secure data management environment.
Store all change history related to metadata (including creation, modification, and deletion)
allowing easy auditing of who executed what actions, when, and which objects were affected by the changes.
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