Biz Metadata Management
Biz Metadata Management
Metadata-based data standardization and metadata management solution.
Multiple standard management functions for different business units and systems.
Automated distribution of standardized metadata, including terms, words, domains, and codes.
Big data platform environments like Hive and Impala can benefit from data quality diagnosis functions.
Data collection and integration possible for cloud platforms such as NCloud and AWS, including S3 and Redshift.
Identify various metadata sources from internal and external systems and extract and
integrate it for centralized, systematic management with various interfaces.
The data dictionary covers words, terms, domains, codes and standardizes data models to ensure consistency.
With continuous monitoring, compliance with data standards and regulations is maintained.
Data dictionary standardizes data by specifying the definitions, descriptions, usage of words, terms domains, and codes.
Additionally, MetaStream supports mapping between technical data assets and business terms,
bridging the gap between business concepts (terms) and technical terminology.
Provides various functions such as extracting model information, querying and
managing model relationships, analyzing changes, managing indexes, and
generating DDL (Data Definition Language) by integrating with various modeling tools.
Supports keyword search and browsing of metadata, allowing users to easily
find information such as data types, formats, ownership, purposes, and
relationships with other data through search results or browsing.
Extract catalog information from various relational databases, provide DB information,
manage change history, and improve table structure by comparing the database with the physical model.
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